The Lyrical Gangster

Friday, July 07, 2006

Am I wearing your pants?

So I've been doing laundry the last few days. Not the "I ran out of underwear" emergency just enough to get by load, but the all the way to the bottom of the stack "I forgot I had that" type. (You know what I'm talking about so stop pretending you don't). And I found this blue pair of Dockers I don't remember purchasing. But they were my size and I found them in my bedroom.

So I asked Naj if I had bought them and just forgotten. Believe it or not, this has happened before. She assured me that, yes, I had purchased these pants and, by the way, they were hot. Well that's a good thing, so I wore them to work this morning... and realized, I had never seen this pair of pants in my life.

So unless my wife is leading a much more secretive life than I realize, someone I know apparently has changed their pants in my house and is now missing a pair of size 38 dark blue Dockers. And I have them on. And by the way, they are hot. Don't you think?


  • Hey man,

    This has nothing to do with your pants, but I'd thought you'd enjoy it.

    I stopped by the Gay Pride Parade in SF on my way to watch a world cup game in North Beach, and I saw this gay school bus. Is it just me, or does the kid in the bus look a lot like the Cheat's youngest brother?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:31 PM  

  • The link didn't publish right-- try cutting and pasting both lines as a single address:


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:33 PM  

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