The Lyrical Gangster

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ann Arbor News Letter to the Editor

It seems Gallup Park is infested with mean, aggressive geese. And they poop.

"Gallup Park is being fouled by fowl

After several recent visits to Gallup Park, I have to wonder - what would the city do if walking paths and picnic areas there were covered with thousands of dog droppings? I imagine we'd see a major crackdown/ban on dogs at the park, with threats of fines, etc. Point is, something would be done.

"Why, then, is nothing done about paths at Gallup Park that in some spots are so covered with goose droppings that they are unpassable? Most of the lawns and picnic areas are covered with goose droppings - who wants to lay a blanket and sit in that? Not to mention that geese are often mean and aggressive towards people who are not bothering them. There are several things that the city and the state Department of Natural Resources could do to thin the goose populations at Gallup without harming the geese, such as removing eggs early, etc. Action is long overdue. Gallup Park is a filthy, unsanitary mess and I am tired of paying tax dollars for it and having to watch every step.

Michael P. Hendel, Ann Arbor


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