The Lyrical Gangster

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Helmet law stays

Governor Granholm has vetoed the Legislature's attempted repeal of Michigan's motorcycle helmet law. The bikers are understandably frustrated. This year's passage of the helmet law repeal is the first time both houses had passed such a measure in the same legislative session.

According to this Free Press story, the Governor vetoed the bill at 2:30 on Friday and by 3:15 the biker special interest group ABATE (American Bikers Aiming Toward Education) announced it would support Dick Devos in his bid to unseat Granholm this November.

"'We intend to send out voters guide to our 60,000 members,' said Jim Rhoades, legislative director of ABATE. 'A lot of people who supported her previously, especially union people, won't be behind her now.'"

I seriously doubt this will cost her the election, but it's an example of further erosion of the Democrats traditional base here in Michigan. The party has become less and less the party of Lunchbucket Larry and his motorcycle buddies and more and more beholden to Deaniac left-wing elitists.


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