The Lyrical Gangster

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Is the new Camaro too manly?

GM is bringing it back and this American Spectator piece suggests it will fail because it turns off women.

"Unlike the Mustang--which has always managed to appeal to a broad base of buyers ranging from young women to old men and everyone in between--the Camaro is and always has been a strutting muscle machine. A car for drive-throughs, Friday night cruising, and teenage boys."

Since purchase price, insurance and gas prices will keep lots of teenage boys from buying them, this car will have to be purchased by men over 40 if it is going to be successful.

And therein lies the challenge, especially compared to the new Mustang wich "transcends testosterone--and the muscle car era... it's a car that guys absolutely love. But it [the Mustang] doesn't alienate women--and women are half the market, don't forget (and most guys have a woman in their lives who they'd prefer not to annoy with their choice of car). The previous generation (1994-2002) Camaro was an "in your face" kind of car--and so is this new one. You either love it--or you hate it. And the question is, can GM afford such a confrontational machine with inherently limited appeal--one that's already hobbled by being late to the game, fighting for a relatively small subset of prospective buyers and which will likely arrive just in time for the next ugly uptick in gas prices?"

Maybe so, but the only person I've ever known to own a car like this one (a cool red Firebird with T-Tops) was a girl. Loyal readers, what say you?


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