More on immigration
I'm a little more liberal than that. On the other hand, some proposals seem a little bit out there. This story in The Washington Times would fit that mold:
"Congress will approve an immigration bill that will grant citizenship rights to most of the 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. after Democrats take control next month, predict both sides on Capitol Hill. While Republicans have been largely splintered on the issue of immigration reform, Democrats have been fairly unified behind the principle that the illegals currently in the country should get citizenship rights without having to first leave the country...
With President Bush as an ally in the White House [] Democrats will proceed next year with legislation to ultimately make citizens out of most of the illegals now in the country. And Republicans, still reeling from deep losses in the November elections, will give up the fight. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, said he expects an immigration-reform bill that doesn't deport illegal aliens to be the only significant legislation to come out of the new Democratic Congress and win Mr. Bush's approval.
'The only real legislation that can be expected from Congress is amnesty,' he said. 'If they come up with a plan and the president is behind it, it will pick up a lot of our own members.'"