The Lyrical Gangster

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Street Fighting A2 Style

OK, so I stole this one from another blog, but it was way too good to leave alone. It turns out that a certain 1980's rap artist was referenced during what Ann Arborites refer to as a "street fight." Ohh. Scary. The Ann Arbor News has the details.

"Taunt of 'Vanilla Ice' precedes street fight

A University of Michigan student said someone called him 'Vanilla Ice'' and then struck him in the face as he was walking on East William Street early Monday, Ann Arbor police said.

The student said he and a friend were walking in the 600 block of East William at 2:25 a.m. when four men walked by, and one punched him for no reason, reports said. The man's friend said one of the other men called the victim 'Vanilla Ice.'' The friend said he started swinging to protect the victim and also was hit, reports said. Officers arrived, and the four men said the victim and his friend started the fight.

No one wanted to press charges"


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