The Lyrical Gangster

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The critics to the south

have not been as kind and the vast majority of our readers in the more civilized parts of the country. One reader, who calls himself Baby Crackhead, left the following message in the comment section below:

"What is going on here? Everything is about AA. Aaron T, I think you should spread your horizons and include a little news from the PSL or FLA as a whole. BC"

We at The Lyrical Gangster always aim to please and are saddened to see that our readership in the Sunshine State has been left less than satisfied. While this is generally a blog about the things that happen within a five-mile radius of where T.L.G. happens to be standing at the time, this post, about a serious health epidemic in Florida, is offered to warn Bad Cannibal to be more careful as he dabbles in the Florida dating scene. Enjoy.

Other Florida news can be found here, here, here, here and here.


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